2021 Mid-Year Report

“The Believers look at the birds in the sky, that don't reap nor gather into the barns, and trust that the Father will provide” - Matthew 6:26

As many christian families are suffering from the bad living situations in Lebanon due to bad economy and Instability, we as christians are obliged to stand and make a move. As Jesus says “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” we are obliged to help our brothers and sisters through these tribulations. 

The first donation we received was $3550, we helped 170 families in need; divided to 45 cash assistance for healthcare, and the rest as food rations.

Why Christian Families

During Syrian crisis, many families fled to Lebanon. All NGOs have been working with just people in camps ( most of them are bedouins). On the other hand christian families are living in rented houses. Since Lebanese Revolution the economy started to fall down and Covid 19 pandemic has deepened the misery. Many Syrians lost their jobs or got paid with little wages. Therefore, many of them are living now under the poverty line.

Under these circumstances we decided to give a hand by 20$ to each family ( equivalent to a quarter to one lebanese normal salary ) which makes a small but remarkable difference.

As God's servants we will continue our duties fulfilling the gaps which are;

1- food proportions especially for families with little kids. 

2- Cash assistance for people in need for healthcares ( NCD patients, ventilators for covid 19 patients, surgeries...etc)

3- Sharing the word of God through our visits to render spiritual support.


Our missionary is to help, serve, and bless by the hand of God. We truly believe that our work can close these people's hearts to God as he says he will not forget them.

Fady Youssef

See April - May 2021 photos here.

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